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megalopia — see macropsia … Dictionary of Hallucinations
megalopia — meg·a·lo·pia (meg″ə loґpe ə) macropsia … Medical dictionary
macropsia — /meuh krop see euh/, n. Ophthalm. a defect of vision in which objects appear to be larger than their actual size. Also, macropia /meuh kroh pee euh/, macropsy /mak rop see/. Also called megalopsia, megalopia. Cf. micropsia. [1885 90; < NL; see… … Universalium
megalopsia — /meg euh lop see euh/, n. Ophthalm. macropsia. Also, megalopia /meg euh lop ee euh/. [1885 90; MEGAL + OPSIA] * * * … Universalium
macropsia — Also known as macropsy, macroptic vision, megalopsia, and megalopia. The term macropsia comes from the Greek words makros (large) and opsis (seeing). It refers to a visual distortion in which objects and stimuli are perceived as… … Dictionary of Hallucinations
macropsia — Eng. Macropsia Visión de los objetos de un tamaño mayor al real. Macropía. Megalopsia. Megalopía … Diccionario de oftalmología
megalopsia — /meg euh lop see euh/, n. Ophthalm. macropsia. Also, megalopia /meg euh lop ee euh/. [1885 90; MEGAL + OPSIA] * * * ‖ megalopsia Path. (mɛgəˈlɒpsɪə) [mod.L., f. Gr. µεγαλο great (see megalo ) + οψία, in nouns of agency f. combs. of ὀπ to see: cf … Useful english dictionary