amaurosis fugax

amaurosis fugax
Eng. Amaurosis fugax
Pérdida de la visión generalmente monocular de aparición brusca y de corta duración debida, generalmente, a isquemia retiniana transitoria. Si no es tratada es un signo de ceguera inminente en un 40-50% de los casos. La etiología más frecuente es la arteritis de Horton o de células gigantes y la ateromatosis carotídea.
- Amaurosis fugaz.

Diccionario de oftalmología. . 2011.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • amaurosis fugax — f. oftalm. Ceguera súbita y transitoria que suele ir acompañada de náuseas, vómitos, vértigos y centelleos. Medical Dictionary. 2011 …   Diccionario médico

  • Amaurosis fugax — Infobox Disease Name = Amaurosis fugax Caption = The arteries of the choroid and iris. The greater part of the sclera has been removed. DiseasesDB = 501 ICD10 = ICD10|G|45|3|g|40 ICD9 = ICD9|362.34 ICDO = OMIM = MedlinePlus = 000784 eMedicineSubj …   Wikipedia

  • Amaurosis fugax — A symptom described as a shade coming down over the eye. A partial or complete loss of sight that is temporary. This temporary interference with vision is usually related to atherosclerosis in the blood vessels that supply the brain. It can also… …   Medical dictionary

  • Amaurosis fugax — Klassifikation nach ICD 10 H34 Netzhautgefäßverschluss G45.3 Amaurosis fugax …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • amaurosis fugax and visual hallucinations —    The noun amaurosis is Greek for darkening or loss of vision; the adjective fugax comes from the Latin noun fuga, or flight. The term amau rosis fugax translates loosely as transient blindness. It is used to denote a sudden, painless, temporary …   Dictionary of Hallucinations

  • AMAUROSIS FUGAX — (от лат. fugax – мимолетный). Мимолетная слепота Транзиторное, быстро проходящее ухудшение зрения вплоть до слепоты. Проявляется кратковременным ощущением тумана или пелены с одной, значительно реже с обеих сторон. Расстройство зрения на один… …   Энциклопедический словарь по психологии и педагогике

  • Amaurosis — (Greek meaning darkening, dark, or obscure) is vision loss or weakness that occurs without an apparent lesion affecting the eye.[1] It may result from either a medical condition or from excess acceleration, as in flight. The term is the same as… …   Wikipedia

  • fugax — see AMAUROSIS FUGAX, PROCTALGIA FUGAX …   Medical dictionary

  • amaurosis — Blindness, especially that occurring without apparent change in the eye itself, as from a brain lesion. [G. amauros, dark, obscure, + osis, condition] a. congenita of Leber [MIM*204000 & MIM*204100] a disorder of cone rod abiotrophy causing… …   Medical dictionary

  • amaurosis and visual hallucinations —    In Greek, the noun amaurosis refers to a darkening or loss of vision. In present day biomedicine, it is used to denote a type of visual loss that is not due to intraocular pathology. A congenital type of amaurosis is known as Leber s… …   Dictionary of Hallucinations

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