- infraversión
- Eng. InfraversionVersión en la cual los ejes oculares se desplazan hacia abajo.
Diccionario de oftalmología. EdwART. 2011.
Diccionario de oftalmología. EdwART. 2011.
infraversion — 1. A turning (version) downward. 2. In physiologic optics, rotation of both eyes downward. 3. SYN: infraclusion. * * * in·fra·ver·sion .in frə vər zhən n INFRAOCCLUSION * * * in·fra·ver·sion (in″frə … Medical dictionary
infraclusion — The state wherein a tooth has failed to erupt to the maxillomandibular plane of interdigitation. SYN: infraocclusion, infraversion (3). * * * in·fra·clu·sion .in frə klü zhən n INFRAOCCLUSION … Medical dictionary
version — 1. Displacement of the uterus, with tilting of the entire organ without bending upon itself; such displacement may be anteversion, retroversion, or lateroversion. 2. Change of position of the fetus in the … Medical dictionary
infraduction — SYN: deorsumduction. * * * in·fra·duc·tion (in″frə dukґshən) [infra + duction] 1. the downward rotation of an eye around its horizontal axis. 2. the downward rotation of one eye independent of the other by a base up prism in… … Medical dictionary
deorsumversion — de·or·sum·ver·sion (de or″səm vurґzhən) infraversion (def. 3) … Medical dictionary